I'm Luke, a Junior UX
Designer and this is my
I take pleasure in crafting user-centric designs that instill confidence and
self-assurance in customers. Presently, I am employed at Radenite,
where I am engaged in the redesign of the company's website –
spanning from the landing page to the checkout process – with the aim
of enhancing day pass ridership and optimising the overall website flow.
My Design Philosophy
Empathy And Focus
Understanding the users
needs/wants, but also their
constraints and the context of
their situation.
Stripping things down to
there core will leave the
essential fundamentals.
"Simplicity is not the absence
of clutter; thats a
consequence of simplicity." -
Jonathan Ive
Rooted In Reality
Design should be rooted in
reality, derived from a deep
understanding of the end
user and the reality in which
the design will be used in.
UX Case Study: Project 1 -
Homeandaway.com (Hotel Booking Website)
I was asked to research a specific hotel booking website that had received data indicating that only
51% of the users who visited the website would make it to the checkout page. I began my research to
identify where they were losing traction with their users and why, aiming to find a way to address
this issue. Here's what I discovered.
Problem Statement
So, I conducted numerous user tests not only on this website but also on several others. Here's what
I found to be the problem: the websites I was researching lacked personalization. Considering that
customers are spending money to book stays in locations they have never visited before, there
wasn't enough empathy in the design. Users often experienced stress and overwhelm while using the
website due to its poor structure, which made it difficult for them to locate the call-to-action (CTA)
button. This, in turn, had a negative impact on the business. My goal is to create a simplistic design
that provides users with a pre-built understanding of what to do and where to go, ensuring that
nothing catches them by surprise.
Users and Audience
Typically, the target audience I designed this for includes men and women aged 21 to 65. This
doesn't mean that people outside this age range couldn't navigate the website, but these were the
parameters I set for myself. I aimed to make the website highly accessible to the average user, so
that using it would feel like second nature, without any sense of the website trying to trick you.
Processes I Used
I employed several user testing methods to enhance this project. It began with in-depth user
research, delving into who was using these websites, why they were using them, and how I could
leverage this information to improve the product. After concluding my user research, I initiated
competitive benchmarking and A/B testing to evaluate site designs and user responses, aiming to
identify areas for enhancement. Subsequently, I proceeded to conduct usability testing, examining
both the strengths and weaknesses of multiple websites. The insights gathered from these tests were
organised into an affinity diagram, categorising qualitative data into meaningful groups.
Moving on, I utilised flow diagrams and journey maps to empathise with users, understanding their
emotions and thought processes at each stage of the page interaction. With this insight, I embarked
on the prototyping phase, creating the design for the new website. The prototype was then tested
with various users to gather feedback, providing valuable insights into how users envision a hotel
booking website mentally.
Drawing from the extensive research and user testing I conducted, I successfully designed a sleek
and modern hotel booking website. I ensured that the website struck a balance—being neither overly
complex nor frustrating for the user. By adopting the perspective of a user, I developed a clear
mindset for establishing structural hierarchy and understanding user expectations.
The resulting website is exceptionally user-friendly, eliminating unnecessary complexities that only
serve to confuse and hinder users. The process of guiding users from the landing page to the
checkout page was given top priority, ensuring a seamless journey.
Homeandaway Design - https://eolojw.axshare.com
UX Case Study: Project 2 (Radenite)
Approaching this project felt somewhat easier, given that I observed the website was somewhat
underdeveloped. This provided me with ample room to make improvements. It was evident that
there wasn't a single specific issue hindering the website's progress; rather, it seemed to lack
substantial development over the years. This piqued my interest and motivated me to get started.
Problem Statement
As outlined in the overview, this website was underdeveloped and lacked modernization to cater to
today's users. The website was cluttered, disorganized, and navigating it felt slow and cumbersome.
The primary issue stemmed from the fact that users seldom revisited the site due to the subpar
experience it offered. Studies show that nearly 90% of users won't return to a website if their initial
experience was unsatisfactory; instead, they would prefer to locate the same product on a more
user-friendly platform.
For this project, my objective was to design a clean and sleek fully functional website. The goal was
to create an experience where users wouldn't need to second-guess their actions. They should be
able to effortlessly find the desired product and make a purchase without having to consider the
usability of the site.
Users and Audience
At the start of this project, I recognized that my target audience would predominantly consist of
individuals aged 21 and above, encompassing both men and women. Considering the intricate
nature of batteries and battery manufacturing, I believed that the website should adopt a simple, no-
nonsense design. A complex website with multiple choices and an abundance of options could
potentially overwhelm and confuse users, leading to added stress. Such an approach would
adversely impact the business. Thus, I opted for a straightforward and user-friendly design, ensuring
ease of use and navigation.
Processes I used
I began this project with a strong emphasis on user research, aiming to gather comprehensive data
from the market I intended to excel in. My initial focus was on investigating the leading battery
brands and suppliers, analysing their strategies and successful aspects. Competitive
benchmarking was my next step, providing me with a preliminary gauge of how far behind our
website was and the potential avenues to bridge the gap.
To gain insight into user-friendliness, I conducted usability tests on battery supplier websites.
Although these sites showed a degree of usability, they appeared lacking in trustworthiness from an
external perspective. This realisation prompted me to create a customer journey map, allowing me
to empathise with the user's emotions and experiences at each interaction. This was particularly
useful in assessing the site's trustworthiness.
Subsequently, I delved into interaction design to map out product layout and button placements.
This groundwork greatly facilitated the prototyping process, as I had already sketched out a
substantial portion of the design, pre-conceptualising the positioning of various elements.
I successfully achieved my objectives for this project. My primary goals were centered around
crafting a fully functional website that users could navigate effortlessly. The website's design revolves
around simplicity, ensuring a smooth journey for users from point A to B without encountering any
hurdles. The insights gleaned from competitive benchmarking provided valuable guidance, helping
me discern effective approaches and pitfalls to avoid. Ultimately, this led me to prioritise a design
that is straightforward, user-friendly, and highly functional.
Radentie Re-desgin - https://dehzfy.axshare.com
Education, skills and interests
Maths GCSE - Grade C (Age 15)
English Language GCSE - Grade 4
Product Design GCSE - Grade C
Science, Chemistry GCSE - Grade 4
Triple Engineering BTEC Grade - Pass/Pass
(taken during significant disruption in the academic year
with no access to lab equipment)
Professional Diploma in UX Design
Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time
playing sports and keeping fit. Autumn to spring I am a first
team player for Old Coventrians Rugby Club
During my days off, I often find myself at the gym,
dedicated to enhancing my fitness and well-being,
consistently working towards self-improvement with each
Tools I Use For Design
Sketch is my go-to app for
creating mockups and
wireframes quickly and
Axure is my primary
application for creating and
designing prototypes.
As of now, I'm still coming
to grips with Figma, as I
think it helps me become
more familiar with using
interactions and
Contact Information
+(44) 07375402772
Coventry, Westmidlands